Today I turned 6 months old! Here are my latest updates:
>> I'm on the move. I might not be able to crawl, but I can roll anywhere I want to go! I can coordinate my left knee and elbow to try and crawl, but can't quite get the other side to cooperate. I even grunt because it’s such hard work!
>> I'm teething. I chew on everything and anything I can find. I started enjoying teething rings and love Sophie, my giraffe.
>> I love bath time. I graduated from the bath sling and now "sit" in my little tub. I spend about 15 minutes every night splashing and having fun!
>> After my bath, my mommy and I play in my bedroom while she gets me ready for dad. Daddy comes in and reads me a story while I practice to sit in between daddy’s legs on the floor. I love my stories and pay close attention to the books my daddy reads to me.
>> I laugh. . . a lot!
>> I love my Johnny jump-up. I should wear a helmet when playing in it because I get going VERY high!
>> I started on "real" solids. So far, I've enjoyed peas and green beans. Next week, I go to orange foods. I LOVE eating and make all kinds of cooing noises to tell people I want more. Breastfeeding is still my favorite meal, though!
>> I love being outside and going for walks.
>> I continue to be a very easy-going baby.
Remember when I was first born?