Thursday, December 2, 2010

14 Month Update

Ryan's 14 month update:
>> Ryan loves to read. I usually bathe Ryan at night, get him in his jammies, and then Paul and Ryan read a few stories together. It's quite cute! Ryan walks over to his bookshelf to pick a book (or 5), then walks it back over to Paul who sits on the floor. Ryan climbs into Paul's lap, and they read the stories. Sometimes Ryan has the attention span for 2 books, and sometimes he has the attention span for 1 page!
>> Ryan adores his "lovey". He chews on it, sleeps with it, snuggles with it and, when he has a cold, wipes his nose with it. Needless to say, it get washed regularly, but it is starting to turn from a bright baby blue to more of a dolphin grey.

>> Ryan is quite talkative. He babbles all the time. His understandable vocabulary includes, "Mama", "Dada", and "Ana". Ryan can point to a picture of his "abuela" (aka: GRANNY) and his "Abu". We have pictures of the grandparents above his changing table and Ana has taught him to point to everyone by name. He get's a little confused with 2 "grandpas".
>> Ryan can point to his nose and get's very excited when he can point to your nose (he tries to pull it off your face).
>> Ryan LOVES his chair. He likes to climb up on it, stand in it....basically he does everything except sit in it!

>> Ryan loves his various push cars. He climbs on them, hits the buttons and makes a racket. Then he pushes them until he hits something, abandons the car and goes to on to the next vehicle. Very southern...

>> Ryan is on the go! He has a tremendous amount of energy. Besides eating, sleeping and pooping, he has added exploring. He is ALL OVER THE PLACE and has learned to toddle quickly (aka run). This means anything within reach or that can be in reach with a climb is in danger (like a roll of toilet paper!). But he does everything with a smile and a laugh. Thankfully, we taught him early how to go up and DOWN stairs (with supervision of course!).

>> Ryan is quite fearless. He'll go into a dark room and close the door behind him, walk down a dark hallway, and explore new spaces without a moment of hesitation.
>> Ryan LOVES to wrestle and be tossed around. He is a true boy - digging in the dirt, eating rose petals (this is as close as we get to smelling so far) and playing with snails.

Over all Ryan has grown a TON in the last 14 months. I guess the concept of "time flies" really applies here. Check back for more updates!

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