Monday, February 28, 2011
Tonight, Ryan received his first reprimand! Normally this isn't a blog-worthy event, but this was actually the first time his behavior warranted disciplinary skill (a skill I've decided I have not yet mastered). After working, mommy-and-me music class, and making dinner tonight, I jumped in the shower to get ready for a MOPs meeting. My normal shower routine includes pulling in toys and closing the master bedroom doors so Ryan can play while I shower. This evening, I was in the shower, with shampoo in my hair, when I heard all kinds of laughing. I didn't think anything of it. Next, I heard what sounded like a bucket of water dumping. And just when I was wiping the shampoo suds off my eyes, to be able to see what Ryan was doing, I was blasted with scalding hot water. Ryan had learned how to turn on and off the bath faucet which sent scalding hot water through my shower nozzle. I nicely yelled from the shower, "Ryan, please turn the water off." He understood my command and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. Naughty! The water faucet became more enticing. On and off the water went, all the while Ryan laughed with a "I-know-this-is-so-naughty-and-mommy-is-yelling-not-to-do-this-with-a-head-full-of-shampoo" kind of look. My shower ended early, I went off to MOPs with suds in my hair, but I certainly chuckled to myself all the way to my meeting! Disciplinary skill development is next on my list! I guess even the most precious children need boundaries.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Beach in February!
We are lucky to live near the beach, and even luckier to be able to go dig in the sand in our bathing suits in FEBRUARY! Last Sunday, we spent Sunday morning digging in the sand with three of Ryan's buddies and their families. Ryan loved, loved, loved the sand, which I was very excited to see since we are heading to Maui in a month!
Ryan and Logan digging. Yes, that's a hospital ice container I used when I had Ryan. I'm so "green"!
Ryan, Logan and Noah digging.

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Here's how Ryan woke-up. Fever and serious bed-head!
I put on the Classical Baby video and look at his reaction!

By the end of the video he was gnawing on his hand. I looked in his mouth and found two incisors. Ah-ha!

Friday, February 4, 2011
Birthday Party!
Our nanny's daughter turned 6 and we surprised her with cake when she got home from kinder! Ryan napped while Ana (our nanny) went to pick-up Johanna. I ran downstairs, set the table, put out the cake and gifts I'd wrapped the night before, and ran back upstairs to join a conference call. 5 minutes later, I heard the garage door open, footsteps running, and then a loud, "Mama, LOOK!" Johanna was so excited for her birthday surprise!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
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