Monday, February 28, 2011


Tonight, Ryan received his first reprimand! Normally this isn't a blog-worthy event, but this was actually the first time his behavior warranted disciplinary skill (a skill I've decided I have not yet mastered). After working, mommy-and-me music class, and making dinner tonight, I jumped in the shower to get ready for a MOPs meeting. My normal shower routine includes pulling in toys and closing the master bedroom doors so Ryan can play while I shower. This evening, I was in the shower, with shampoo in my hair, when I heard all kinds of laughing. I didn't think anything of it. Next, I heard what sounded like a bucket of water dumping. And just when I was wiping the shampoo suds off my eyes, to be able to see what Ryan was doing, I was blasted with scalding hot water. Ryan had learned how to turn on and off the bath faucet which sent scalding hot water through my shower nozzle. I nicely yelled from the shower, "Ryan, please turn the water off." He understood my command and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. Naughty! The water faucet became more enticing. On and off the water went, all the while Ryan laughed with a "I-know-this-is-so-naughty-and-mommy-is-yelling-not-to-do-this-with-a-head-full-of-shampoo" kind of look. My shower ended early, I went off to MOPs with suds in my hair, but I certainly chuckled to myself all the way to my meeting! Disciplinary skill development is next on my list! I guess even the most precious children need boundaries.

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